If you’re someone who introduces themselves with “Hi, I’m Mel - I’m an emotional Pisces”, you’re interested in how astrology affects your life beyond your sun sign. While once we spent a lot (I mean, a lot) of time scouring Dolly magazine’s horoscopes and analysing its predictions to determine if that cute guy in the grade above would finally ask us out, these days we have smartphones - and a wealth of astrological information at our fingertips, if we want it.
Here are the five apps worth downloading if you want to go deep with astrology.

I can’t start this list without mentioning Co-Star, the mysterious phone app that went viral thanks to some truly chaotic push notifications like “the calcium in your bones was made by collapsing stars”.
Weirdness aside, the app is exactly what most baby astrology fans want - it’s aesthetically pleasing, easy to navigate and gives you heaps of information, and is pretty accurate, using NASA data to track planet movement, then basing predictions off this information.
The Pattern feels like the slightly more grown-up version of Co-Star - a bit more in-depth, a bit less cheeky. While Co-Star will give you plenty of information, but not a lot of detail, The Pattern really goes for it with specifics - and honestly, it’s often freakishly accurate.
You’ll get paragraph after paragraph of life assessment and predictions, which might be too much for anyone who wants bite-sized astro-info, but a bonus is being able to input your partner’s data to generate relationship advice and insights, or even a friend or family member’s.
This one is for the die-hards. Pay US$20 a month and you’ll have access to a live chat with an astrologer every month, where you can get more specific readings of your stars for that period. For smaller amounts like $2.99 per minute, you can access live tarot, psychic or astrology readings whenever you like, as one-off deep dives.
It’s essentially an app version of those old “phone in” astrology readings you found in the back of magazines, but it’s handy if you love the personal interaction of a real-life reading, but don’t have the time to visit the psychic each month.
If you’re new to the astrology world and want detailed information about what your sun, moon and rising signs mean, plus explainers on the various elements at play behind your signs.
Time Passages free version is relatively standard beyond that, but add-ons will allow you to pop details of potential business partners, romantic partners and other important life relationships into a “compatibility meter” to help you with assessing big decisions.
If you want the personal touch of an on-call astrologer, but aren’t committed to investing in astrology financially yet, Chaturanga Astrology is a great app. On sign-up, you earn one free question - meaning you can ask a resident astrologer something specific about your life. From there, you can purchase packs of questions, and referring a friend earns you another free question, too.
Beyond the personal element, Chaturanga is well laid out, and requests to-the-minute specifics about your birth time to ensure the overall readings given are accurate.